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Friday, February 28, 2020

#101in1001 Update

Howdy y'all - happy Friday! To keep ME accountable and to keep YOU up to date, the last Friday of every month, I'm going to give an update on what I've crossed off my #101in1001 list.

So here goes...

27. Inspire someone to write their own 101 in 1001 list. I'm proud to report I've heard from several friends and readers who are joining me on this challenge - some are even sharing some of my goals for us to do simultaneously AND we're already STRONGER TOGETHER.

Eat Montana. It's no surprise, the Hubs and I have had success here, especially during winter.

35. Montana Ale Works. Although this restaurant isn't entirely new to us, after reading in Edible Bozeman about their renewed commitment to serve more local food, I was intrigued. But as before, it's pretty typical bar food with no real excitement. Thank you, next...

37. FoxtrotA great breakfast burrito. Nothing to write home about but it's solid for a casual or on the go breakfast.

38. Fresco Cafe. This was the scene of our Valentine's Day lunch and we were pleasantly surprised by their generously portioned and tasty salads and the wine list. The outdoor patio will definitely be our jam come warmer weather.

40. Saffron Table. We know we were spoiled with food in DC but had heard this was the not to miss Indian cuisine in Montana. But their buttered chicken... Ugh. And that's a pretty easy dish. Before we entirely rule this place out, we need to go back.

41. Seven Sushi. This sushi is reminiscent of Sticky Rice and we're here for it on the nights we feel like eating creative but not authentic sushi.

There are a few items on the to-do list that take a little more planning or include some time, so here's what we've gotten started on...

18. Explore at least one new place every month. To reacquaint ourselves with Montana and dive a little deeper, we're taking this challenge head on with our first adventure hiking to Grotto Falls in Hyalite Canyon. It was the Hyalite of our weekend with all the dad jokes!

52. Annual trip to Palm Springs. Keep your eyes peeled for a trip in late April...

57. Hike in Moab. Henry's daycare has a spring break, which puts us in a bit of a pickle but we're trying to make lemonade out of lemons and have started thinking about driving down to Utah.

85. Shoot annual family photos. I mean if you missed our shoot with Loneman Photography, immediately check our session here. Eeeepp, now what photos to print?!

87. Sell at least $500 worth of clothes. I've already sold over $800 worth of clothing via Poshmark but this new goal is for 2020 and I'm half way there...

89. Choose a cookbook and cook it all. This is one of my favorite goals and now is even better because Paulo and I are doing it together. Check out recipe one and recipe two and don't forget to follow along via our #pandwdinein.

90. Have a date night at least once a week for six months. With our work travel schedules in the next few weeks, this goal may go off the rails but just having this on the list helps us get a babysitter and really spend that one on one time.

91. Work out five times a week for three months. I'm in week four and feeling like I'm getting my groove back. I'm also convinced working out has helped me stay healthy the month of February (knock on wood!)

P.S. Words and motivation via Castle.

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