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Wednesday, February 19, 2020

RECIPE 1: Slow-Roasted Citrus Salmon with Herbed Salad

You've seen my 101 in 1001 list, right?! Whelp, exciting news about #89 on my list - to cook through an entire cookbook. I'm one lucky gal because my bestie Paulo (yes, him again) decided to choose a cookbook with me and cook every recipe.

After almost five years of week to week rendezvous in the same city with Paulo and his fiance Josh, living in separate states has been hard. At least we're west coasting together with Paulo and Josh in Seattle and us in Montana but long distance is still the worst.

So... drumroll please... Paulo and I chose Alison Roman's Dining In to stay connected, eat well and live colorfully. Get ready for VERY GOOD content via #PAndWDineIn as we cook through all 125 recipes. Here goes nothing and recipe #1: Slow-Roasted Citrus Salmon with Herbed Salad.

This past long weekend while the little beast napped, the Hubs and I began to cook. We sliced lots of citrus... including Meyer lemons and blood oranges... Pulled out a pound and a half of fresh caught King Salmon from our stash in the freezer. And paired our dish with Ina's tried and true couscous with pine nut and mint and a dry white wine for a relaxed lunch for two. 

Want the full recipe? Follow along as Paulo and I cook the book...

Now ENJOY and be MERRY while eating this deliciously joyous and easy dish! It won't disappoint, I promise. AND don't forget to follow our journey via #pandwdinein on Instagram OR - even better- join us on this crazy quest, let's cook together!



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