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Friday, February 21, 2020


EATING // ICYMI, we've been cooking and eating through Alison Roman's Dining In. And you guys! It's so fun to page through a cookbook and pick out what's next but also know the whole book will get cooked and we're not going to miss a thing! Did I mention it's also GORGEOUS?!

HOME*WORK // Remember the black hole in our family room? I'm happy to report it is drab no more! We wrapped the paneled accent wall and it feels just right. Big thanks to Austin and his Trimbach Builders crew for the quick fix. Pictures coming soon but first this mama is going to relax and take it all in.

CRUSHING ON // Oatly. Post-pregnancy, I developed a dairy intolerance. Maybe it's hormones or maybe it's always been lurking in the background, all I know is that the only way I've felt better is by limiting my dairy intake. But have no fear! There are so many good dairy substitutes these days and  frankly oat milk (specifically the Oatly brand) is as good as they come.

READING // Ronan Farrow's Catch and Kill. An inside look at how a powerful TV network can bury stories no matter how big, it leaves you with a strong feeling of ick. To be fair, I'm only about a third through but I'm really hoping more than the author and victims prove to have moral compasses.

THANKFUL FOR // Henry. Next weekend, my girlfriends and I are showering my best friend Katie in PDX to celebrate her coming baby girl and it's bringing up all the feels. I've been rummaging around Henry's room taking out and refolding a few newborn clothes while the Hubs looks on with a giggle. How is Henry almost two? SOB. Please make time stop.

THINKING ABOUT // A total wardrobe revamp. As I inch closer toward 35, I really want to love my clothing from head to toe which means my closet is ready for a MAJOR spring cleaning. Curious about what's on the way out? Check my Poshmark and don't hesitate to make me an offer if anything piques your interest.

WATCHING // We sailed through the second season of Killing Eve, loved it but are ready for what's next. Any new favorites?

WEARING // Even though it's winter, I can't stop wearing my Superga classics and - dork alert - I can't wait until Henry slides into his matching kicks. Have I mentioned his birthday is just around the corner? It's time to start party planning...


  1. So obsessed with Catch & Kill. We must discuss when you are done! Love your blog, you are killing it and missing you from afar! xoxo

    1. Thanks lady! It feels like I'm starting to get my groove back! AND SO HAPPY WE CAN DISCUSS CATCH & KILL. Sounds like a phone date with wine ;)



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