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Saturday, April 4, 2020

RECIPE 6: Decidedly Not-Sweet Granola

Another busy week of cooking and eating in quarantine. And thank gahd for Alison Roman! This week Paulo and I took on Decidedly Not-Sweet Granola from Dining In. I upped my game with using the granola as an ingredient (per Alison's direction) to make Smashed Cucumbers and Scallions over Garlicky Yogurt.

First, let's talk about the granola. It's heavy on seeds - which the Hubs and I loved not only for color and texture but taste. It's likely one of the healthier dishes in the cookbook, which is good for us and not gaining what I've been calling the COVID-19.

The addition of cucumbers and yogurt only makes the granola sing further. An added bonus is that this dish transports you a Mediterranean coast with its mix of creamy tartness, lemon, olive oil and healthy dose of garlic. Perfect for a sunny spring lunch or afternoon snack. Raise your hand if you're ready for a vacation?

I only have one bone to pick... Alison includes the yogurt recipe in her "Savory Breakfast" section of the cookbook and both the Hubs and I agreed this was not a morning meal. Brunch/lunch/afternoon snack? 100%. But for breakfast this dish would be a bit much with all that tangy garlic. Maybe this is because we get up early with our two year old and no longer sleep in? Do me a favor and give this recipe a whirl and let me know what you think. It's time to hive mind!

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