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Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Weekday Musings

EATING // Alison Roman's sour cream flatbread with ricotta and oil-roasted mushrooms, with pesto and parm and with tomato sauce, basil, cherry tomatoes and mozzarella. It's safe to say the Margherita combination has been Henry's favorite and mine too. But now the dough is finally all baked, what to eat next? Watch for an easy breakfast or snack recipe from Dining In later this week.

HOME*WORK // Slowly but surely my home office is coming together. I finally ordered a chair and I'm literally counting down the days until its arrival. Unfortunately, I've learned the hard way that sitting on a tiny stool gets old VERY fast. So take my advice and treat yo self next home improvement project, okay?!

CRUSHING ON // These fly wedges for spring. Straight to the checkout cart or hard pass?

READING // Still reading Catch and Kill but it's a bit slow going mostly because I'm tired of reading about victims of sexual assault being ignored, especially women. So many stories have been buried, which is just not right. Yes Harvey Weinstein has been sentenced to 23 years but it's 2020 people - why is sexual assault still such a rampant thing?!

THANKFUL FOR // Joe Biden. Another primary Tuesday has passed and good ol' Uncle Joe is picking up steam. I try to not infuse politics into this space but this Presidential election (as well as
some races here in Montana) makes it impossible. I'm tired of all anger in politics and ready for some stability.

THINKING ABOUT // My Corona! But really... What are you doing to prepare for COVID-19? I've read so many articles but still have travel on the books in the next few months...

WATCHING // The Hubs and I are in a serious monogamous relationship with The Bachelor, which at its most basic level means we can't watch the show without each other. So while Dan is out of town for work this week, I've been keeping myself entertained with The Outsider. This binge worthy HBO series came highly recommended by close friends and although it's creepy AF, I simply can't stop watching.

WEARING // T-shirts? Montana's weather has been all over the map with mornings so cold I can't open our mailbox and afternoons so warm and sunny I've cracked the windows. Wherever we're headed, we don't have the snowpack we need and a bad wildfire season looks to be on the horizon. #ClimateChangeIsReal

That's all for now folks... It's time to throw on some feathers, big glasses and your best red lip like IRIS and take on the day!

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