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Monday, January 16, 2017

The New 101 List

Alrighty folks - it's time for a new 101 in 1001 days list and I promise this one is chock-full of goodness! A reminder of the rules? In the next 2.75 years, I will attempt to complete 101 things.  This year's list is a mix of new year's resolutions, to-dos and big ticket items that are more longterm. Here goes nothing...! Please follow the journey here.

Start date: January 1, 2017
End date: September 28, 2019

DC Bucket List (0/9)
1. Go to a show at Howard Theatre.
2. Attend the Repeal Day Ball.
3. Spend a day at the National Museum of African American History & Culture.
4. Take a nighttime stroll of the national monuments.
5. Visit Dumbarton Oaks.
6. Attend the High Heel Drag Queen Race.
7. Create a DC city guide.
8. Go to a museum once a month.
9. Have my photo taken with the giant blue chicken at the National Gallery of Art.

Eating Goals (0/15)
10. Shouk.
11. Pineapple and Pearls.
12. Little Serow.
13. Inn at Little Washington.
14. MiniBar.
15. Bad Saint.
16. Plan a 10 person party at Rose's Luxury.
17. Eat Chaia Tacos in Georgetown.
18. Try at least 20 new restaurants (can include restaurants in my Eating Goals section).
19. Dinner at Convivial.
20. Izakaya Seki.
21. Preserve.
22. Ricepaper.
23. The Source.
24. Garrison.

Travel Goals (0/14)
25. Visit Portland, Maine.
26. Take a trip to "P Town" with besties.
27. Hike in Moab.
28. Take a destination fishing trip.
29. Travel to a foreign country at least once a year.
30. Camp on Assateague Island.
31. Surprise the Hubs with a fully planned trip.
32. Travel to a new state other than Maine.
33. Travel to a new continent.
34. A weekend in Marfa, Texas.
35. Make an annual pilgrimage to Palm Springs.
36. Visit LA with the Hubs.
37. Visit Martha's Vineyard.
38. Backpack on the Pacific Crest Trail.

Personal (0/18)
39. Volunteer for a cause I'm passionate about.
40. Do a detox cleanse.
41. Read at least four classic novels.
42. One full week of clean eating.
43. Closet cleanse.
44. Go on a spending freeze for two months.
45. Read/listen to at least 50 books.
46. Unplug for a full 24 hours each month.
47. Try a new fitness class.
48. Work out at least three times a week for six months.
49. Invest in a wool winter coat.
50. Add a piece of fur to my closet (the Hubs thinks this is gross but remember this is MY list!)
51. Buy a pair of leather gloves.
52. Attend a conference as a speaker.
53. Organize all the closets in our house.
54. Own an authentic Eames furniture piece.
55. Choose a cookbook and cook every recipe in it.
56. Purchase the Louis Vuitton Neverfull tote (I'll ignore your eye rolls... For some reason this bag says "I've made it!")

Just for Fun (0/39)
57. Attend a live TED talk.
58. See at least three Broadway plays/musicals.
59. Watch the sunrise.
60. Backpack for at least two nights.
61. Have my makeup done professionally.
62. Go to a professional football game.
63. Go to a professional basketball game.
64. Take in an outdoor movie.
65. Take a girls trip with just my mom and sister.
66. Can my own product i.e. jam, tapenade, apple sauce etc.
67. Harvest a wild turkey.
68. Hunt in three new states.
69. Make a reunion happen with my college girlfriends.
70. Tip $20 on a meal less than $20.
71. Go ice-skating because the Hubs loves it.
72. Snowshoe.
73. Make a photo book of our Morocco trip.
74. Create a photo book of our Greece honeymoon.
75. Go apple picking.
76. Have professional photos taken.
77. Take a class on how to make sushi.
78. Make ice cream from scratch.
79. Host a murder mystery party.
80. Make a photo book of our Christmas card.
81. Host another “friends-giving” not on Thanksgiving.
82. Cook at least one new recipe from our collection of cookbooks each week for a year.
83. See at least three concerts.
84. Send a surprise package to someone.
85. Go skiing with the Hubs.
86. Send 100 handwritten notes.
87. See a movie at a theater at least once a month for six months.
88. Skinny dip.
89. Take a flower arranging class.
90. Host a neighborhood potluck.
91. Cook octopus.
92. Create my own recipe and master it!
93. Go without TV for one week.
94. Spend an afternoon at MOMA.
95. Take an upholstery class.

Blog Related Goals (0/6)
96.  Inspire someone to write their own 101 in 1001 list.
97. Get a full time blog advertiser.
98. Attend a blogging conference/workshop.
99. Blog at least once a week.
100. Be featured on a blog I admire.
101. Take a photography lesson.

** Want to see the original 101 list? Click here and scroll down.

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