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Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Weekday Musings

Oh hi! How are you? How about some weekday musings y'all?

Eating | Ina Garten's recipes on repeat. Now that I have picked Ina's Cooking for Jeffrey for goal #55, the heat is on! Sunday's lamb stew was the sixth recipe I have completed thus far. But before I could fluff my feathers and feel like Bey in the kitchen, I counted up how many recipes are actually in Cooking for Jeffrey and it's north of 80 (insert emoji scream!!!) But no sweat... I've got this!
Home*Work | Task... Organize! Call it "winter cleaning" (?!) but we've acquired some serious clutter over the past few months that has got to go! My goal is for us to have all the closets and cabinets spick and span by the end of the month so I can cross off #53 on my to-do list and live in a home of order. How is it that our little row house on Capitol Hill can hold so much extra?
Crushing On | Appointed. As you know, I'm a sucker for paper products and this DC based company has got my number. To kick off 2017, I bought their weekly planner and I am already obsessed. Each week is laid out on a single page making the planner both beautiful and functional. Plus there is enough extra space for to-do lists and do I have some to-dos!
Reading | The Woman from Cabin 10. A nod to Gone Girl (a favorite of 2016), this little thriller is a true page turner. Someone please read it already so we can discuss! I mean the ending... GAHHH!
Thankful For | Woodley (known on social media for his infamous hashtag #WoodleyForLife). Since he was a young pup, our fur baby has cuddled harder than any animal I have ever known. On cold rainy days, you can find me with all 60 lbs of him happily snuggled into my lap. We are quite the pair and I think at times make the Hubs jealous. Our closeness is for sure a reason our cat has developed some unsettling habits (i.e. "eliminating" outside the litter box - and you know what that means people!)
Thinking About | Family. As we all know, when it rains it pours and we've been weathering something fierce here in DC. I was already dreading this past week with the numerous inaugural events taking place across the city and then I got word my grandpa on my dad's side had passed away. We had set a plan to escape the District and head north to NYC with the besties but when my mom called with the news about my grandpa, I stayed put and sent the Hubs and friends off to the Big Apple. It's moments like these when Montana feels the furthest away. I wish I could have teleported home to hug my dear aunts and uncle. Ever since my dad passed away, my aunts and uncles have told stories and found old pictures to keep my dad in the present and I wish I could do the same for them with my grandpa. Although I didn't know my grandpa entirely, I know what a force he was in my dad's life so this loss has hit home particularly hard. Hug your dear ones tonight, they'll need you when the road gets tough.
Watching | Homeland. Carrie is still crazy and it makes my world seem a little more simple.
Wearing | These earrings from the Hubs. I may have sent a few hints for Christmas this year but I also must have been good girl because these earrings are dynamite!

Now how are things for you m'dear?! I hope your days have been a little lighter...

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