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Monday, January 9, 2017

2016... Girl Bye!

I know I'm a week (plus) late but my goodness 2016 was jammed pack and I had a birthday party to throw! I also extended my 101 in 1001 list of to dos as I knew I had a few more adventures to squeeze in... Forgive me?! And although I completed only 70 of the 101 - I enjoyed this process so much I'm already writing up a new list to hit 2017 hard (although some items you may recognize from my initial stab at this!) Regardless, thank you fearless readers for sticking with me. And a special thank you to my Hubs for being my trusty co-pilot through much of this. Here's are my top 10 highlights:
  • #2. Inspire someone to write a list of their own. --- This was most inspiring! Over half a dozen of you joined me in this quest for adventure and you kept me motivated and smiling wide!
  • #8. Wallpaper our half bath. --- This project was our first gutsy design move as homeowners and we have no regrets. Our blue palm filled bathroom makes me happy every day. 
  • #9. Attend a formal ball. --- We were invited to the Repeal Day Ball and oh what fun! And talk about a cocktail lover's dream.... my word! This event celebrates the end of prohibition and is an imbibing affair we've already marked the calendar for in 2017!
  • #39. Run 5 marathons before I turn 30. --- SQUEE I'm still proud of my commitment to get this done and also still a little in disbelief I did this by watching hours (I mean days worth!) of Bravo and the Kardashians while slamming Snickers for training - burp!
  • #40. Host friends-giving even if it's not on Thanksgiving day. --- It may have not been Thanksgiving but it was Dan's golden birthday. Hosting 20 of our nearest and dearest took a full week of preparation! I was playing loyal lobbyist by day and Julia Child by night! And oh what fun. All the sweat paid off and it's a memory for the books! 
  • #50. Honeymoon in Greece. --- On one of our first dates both the (now) Hubs and I gushed about our desires to go to Greece and let me say... it did not disappoint! Everyone MUST go - that's the only solution!
  • #60. Write my grandma once a month for a year always. --- Since I left Montana in 2004, I've written my grandma, "Gigi." There is no one with more grace, wit and style! Her kindness makes your whole heart feel warmth and love. Making the commitment to write to Gigi at least once a month has helped keep us tied close no matter the distance. And now at 99, I don't get many replies back but am told by mom what joy it brings. Gigi's new goal? 100!!
  • #75. Make our own pasta. --- Let's just say, don't pick heart shaped ravioli for your first ever attempt at pasta but however lumpy and bumpy it may have been there's no arguing with the taste. Fresh pasta is such a delight! 
  • #86. Have technology free weekend. --- In an era of smart phones, tablets and more - it's easy to forget what true quiet sounds like and what it does for your soul. I recommend everyone read this book to help jump start time away from screens and more quiet moments.
  • #100. Take a fly fishing lesson. --- The Hubs and I spent the day with a guide in New Mexico on the San Juan River and we now both own fly rods. I guess you can say, we've been caught!
Whelp that's a wrap folks. 2016... Girl bye and 2017... I'm coming for you!

P.S. I just got Woodley one of these Love Thy Beast jackets and he's obsessed!

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