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Friday, March 27, 2020

#101in1001 Update

Another week of quarantine but I'm still goal digging. Although we're mostly homebound (goodbye travel goals for the foreseeable future), we're making the most of it, and to keep ME accountable and keep YOU up to date it's time for a monthly update on my #101in1001 list

101. Send a surprise package to someone. If there is any silver-lining to COVID-19, it's the need for care packages. And I love a good mail day so this has been an easy one. Have no fear folks, just because I'm officially checking this item off my list doesn't mean I'm not going to send out more

surprise packages.

18. Explore at least one new place every month. 
As long as we find someplace new to hike or fish
this weekend, we'll still be on track for this goal. Admittedly, it's harder with the Governor's

announcement to shelter in place but there's no shortage of great spots nearby and safety is the #1

87. Sell at least $500 worth of clothes. After doubling down on Poshmark, I've now sold $397.05 since January and the creation of my latest #101in1001 list. Overall, I've earned $933.20 total since I started Poshmarking in 2018. Not bad folks, not bad. There's cash in those closets folks, I promise!

89. Choose a cookbook and cook it all. Watch for recipe #6 coming in hot next week from Alison Roman's Dining In. As long as the grocery store keeps items in stock, we'll keep cooking.

90. Have a date night at least once a week for six months. Now that we're quarantined, we're getting creative and hosting mini dates all over the house. Whether that's setting up our coffee table for dining or treating ourselves with takeout, date nights are still on folks!

91. Work out five times a week for three months. Eight weeks in and going strong. Thank goodness for Peloton and Cody Rigsby. I also just ordered a new jumprope so watch out for some hot moves on Instagram.


75. Go without sweets for one month. I've been stealing lots of bites from the Hubs' ice cream bowl and he also brought home a super-sized bin of animal crackers from Costco. After we celebrate Henry's second birthday next week, I'm cutting out sweets because let's get real folks... QUARANTINE! 

83. Organize all the closets and other storage areas. I've been dragging my feet on organizing our closets, drawers and other storage areas but feel like now is the time to make moves. Will I end up crossing this off my list? Only time will tell... But this shoe rack sure is cute right?

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