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Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Weekday Musings

EATING // We ate without limits during our week in DC. Cookies for breakfast? No problem! Knife noodles for lunch? Sure thing! Afternoon scone? Absolutely! And you know we didn't skimp on dinner or dessert. Now we're back home, it's time to get back to the basics of three square meals a day and limit our snacking and sweets. It will be tough but challenge accepted!

HOME*WORK // Although it's only the first week in December, I feel wildly behind on decorating for Christmas. Maybe it's because of how late Thanksgiving fell on the calendar this year or that I have been listening to Christmas music since summer in anticipation? Regardless, I cannot wait to be reunited with our disco gnome and see our boy's reaction to its mirrored glitz. I also finally snagged this tree topper to be the perfect finishing touch when we decorate our tree this weekend.

CRUSHING ON // The fresh scent of Gorse No. 002. It's subtle, clean and citrusy with a slight scent of coconut without going full on tropical.

READING // Normal People by Sally Rooney. The jury is still out but 50 pages in and I'm very intrigued by this teenage love story and New York Times Bestseller. What's on your reading list? What should I read next?

THANKFUL FOR // The time we had with our friends and family in DC. It's funny how people can really make the place. We loved our time in DC and what the city offered but what we miss most is our people and we're sure thankful for them. You know who you are!

THINKING ABOUT // Settling in for the month of December. We don't have any immediate travel plans and I'm excited to work out an actual routine for every day living in Bozeman. Hey Bozemanites, any ideas on what our normal should look like?

WATCHING // The Morning Show. I'm a sucker for Reese Witherspoon and excited to see Jennifer Aniston back on the screen but you guys... Billy Crudup is the true MVP. He's a fast talking evil genius with a flare for the funny and worth watching every episode.

WEARING // This 525 America olive melange shaker turtleneck sweater on repeat. The color and weight is perfection, it's 100% cotton and it won't break the bank.

P.S. The archival print up top ("Van Nuys" by Sinziana Velicescu) is a small reminder to write your own story!

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