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Sunday, June 4, 2017

Life by Design

The last few weeks have made my heart full again... good food, people and a STAYCATION - hooray! It's not like I'd fallen out of love with DC but the daily real life political comedy and work grind (plus oh hey... the Grand Jury!) was really starting to wear on me and leave me one tired cookie. 

But flip the switch because there are BISCUITS to be had... And damn delicious biscuits at that! The Hubs and I quested out to Mason Dixie Biscuit Co.'s new brick and mortar and the reviews rang true- this joint is legit.  We shared a Classic Fried Chicken Sandwich and I'm still thinking about that hot little buttermilk number... Someone else please make the trek so we can discuss?!

We also finally made it to Dumbarton Oaks.  We meandered through the expansive District garden and swooned over peonies (just passing their peak) and fields of roses of every variety. It was a great reminder to slow down and take a deep breath. 

Not in the mood for an adventure? Pull up a pillow and watch 'The People Vs. OJ Simpson'. This short series as the LA Times claims... "is profound!" And let me tell you... I sympathize with the story of the jury.  My 18 month Grand Jury stint is only a third served and who knows... I might end up like the woman who tries to sprint for freedom but is then tackled by a U.S. Marshall... Stay tuned...

OR head to Union Market and catch their drive-in movie series. 'Honey I Shrunk the Kids' this past Friday was a hoot and had us dreaming of Air Jordans, scrunchies and Oatmeal Creme Pies... (!!!)

P.S. The top snap is of the queen bee herself Ms. Cid, who's found a new perch on our TV console.  Maybe she has an eye for Mid-century Modern?

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